As a distinctly hideous and unattractive male, I find it extremely difficult to meet women, much less persuade them to engage in sexual intercourse with me.
Several weeks ago, as I was complaining to co-workers about my crippling loneliness and the fact that I can only masturbate so many times in the course of a day before the friction begins to damage my genitals and causes my hand to lock in a claw shape, it was suggested to me that I might want to look into one of the many dating services available online.

Learning that highly touted dating sites such as eHarmony and were in fact pay services that charged exorbitant rates in order to access their databases of desirable womenfolk, I began searching for more economical options. My friend Nicole (who I highly doubt has ever required internet-based assistance in finding suitors, as she is quite the looker) turned me on to, which provides dating assistance pro bono.
Upon joining, I was asked to fill out a surprisingly lengthy and in-depth multiple-choice questionnaire where my options were to either Agree, Somewhat Agree, Somewhat Disagree, and Disagree with various statements. I noted that there was no option for me to express my indifference to a statement. It also occurred to me that to Somewhat Agree and to Somewhat Disagree with a statement was to essentially take the same stance, the only difference in the two positions being a simple matter of semantics, like describing a glass as being half-full or half-empty. Ordinarily I describe such glasses as being twice as large as they should be in relation to the quantity of liquid they contain.
After finally finishing the questionnaire, I uploaded a photograph of myself which I felt best represented my mustache and its ability to tickle the inner thighs of women. I then wrote a brief description of myself (actually, it was about six pages long), trying my best to give an accurate portrayal of myself that was in no way self-aggrandizing. (At one point I said: "I have hope that one day someone will recognize my sheer brilliance...") And with these final critical steps completed, I was let loose into the wild and wacky world of
The site insists that it utilizes a highly complex and sophisticated mathematical algorithm to compute the results of the questionnaire in order to present you with an exceptionally accurate list of your best possible matches. The PlentyOfFish supercomputer determined that what I needed most in my life was a set of humongous, bulging breasts.

After perusing the profiles of several sets of massive breasts and the women who were attached to them, it became apparent that there was very little imagination or individuality on display on Indeed, the more I continued to browse through breasts, the more I found myself reading the very same thing over and over again.
I have compiled a standard description of a woman on, using nothing but the statements they most frequently use to describe themselves:
I am a very laid-back and easygoing person. I like to have fun. Sometimes I can be shy, and other times I can be very outgoing. I hate drama. Music is my life, but I can't stand country.
I immediately ruled out any woman who stated she did not enjoy country music.
Finding my first few hours on slightly off-putting, I retired for the night without attempting to contact any particular woman or her breasts directly. Better to just let the ladies come to me, as they undoubtedly would.
And sooner than expected, they did.
The very next morning I received my very first private message, from a girl calling herself "SexiJessi22". A photo of her enormous bazongas was posted in pride of place on her profile, her face out of focus a few feet behind them. Nevertheless, I was flattered to hear from her. Her message was very short, simply saying "I like your mustache." I responded by saying I liked her mustache too. She never got back to me.

On and on it went. The provocative e-mails from disembodied breasts began to pile up and I felt no closer to finding my soul mate. It was clear that none of the women who contacted me were even reading my profile at all, judging me solely on my looks (which I do not consider to be my strong point), and it seemed that only those who were eager to receive cunnilingus found it appropriate to write to me.
In the meantime, I continued to browse through profiles, becoming increasingly discouraged by what I saw. Everyone appeared to be either a dullard with atrocious spelling or a complete and utter maniac. The opening line of one particularly riveting profile stated "I have herpes; if you can't deal with that, please don't contact me" which seemed like rather sound medical advice to me. I also began to take note of a growing trend of women claiming to "turn into a psycho bitch if you piss [them] off", which I found to be quite a questionable bit of salesmanship.
After two weeks, I was considering closing my account. did not appear to be the right site for me. Suddenly, a miracle occurred.
As my finger hovered over my mouse, poised to click on the "DELETE PROFILE" function, I received an innocuous letter from a woman calling herself MustangLady503. She told me she enjoyed reading my profile and asked what type of things I enjoyed writing, other than staggeringly brilliant descriptions of myself on dating sites.

As it turns out, she was not standing beside a small Shetland pony at all, but rather a decidedly full-sized horse. The politest way I could possibly put it is to say that MustangLady503 bore a striking resemblance to the legendary professional wrestler Andre the Giant. In hindsight I feel quite guilty about never getting back to her. She may be a wonderful person who is extremely enjoyable to speak to. Nevertheless, at that particular point in time I was strictly looking for love, and I never responded, citing my policy of never dating a woman that I am unable to body slam.
To this day my account on remains active, and I still receive the occasional lewd and lascivious message from some young buxom harlot. However, I have abandoned all hope that this site might steer me in the direction of my soul mate.
1 comment:
Dan, I recognize your sheer brilliance! I always enjoy reading your writing. It's hilarious.
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